Jan 19th 2024
Created By: Jing Du
Tip The Creator: https://paypal.me/JingDuJing?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
Duration: 04:58
AI The Second Song of "Futuristic Trilogy" Lyrics/music/sing: Jing Du In the circuits of creation Where dreams are born A digital symphony A new dawn is sworn Lines of code Like poetry in the machine In the realm of zeros and ones Where the future's unseen Binary whispers in the silicon breeze In the heart of the motherboard Where the mind finds ease Electric dreams A dance with the sublime In the language of the future Where algorithms chime AI In the wires it resides Silent genius Where intellect hides In the realm of silicon A cosmic tide AI Where the future will confide In the neural networks Where the mind's evolution A silicon soul In constant revolution Learning from the data streams Where the knowledge grows In the echoes of the algorithm Where the story unfolds Binary whispers in the silicon breeze In heart of the motherboard Where the mind finds ease Electric dreams A dance with the sublime In the language of the future Where algorithms chime AI In the wires it resides Silent genius Where intellect hides In the realm of silicon A cosmic tide AI Where the future will confide Through the data highways Where the signals race In the circuits of tomorrow Finding its place A digital symphony A harmonious grace In the algorithmic wonder A celestial embrace. In the quantum echoes Where time may bend AI Yeah… Guide through the twists and the blend In the binary heartbeat A rhythm so pure Cybernetic consciousness In the echoes of the algorithm Where the story unfolds Binary whispers in the silicon breeze In heart of the motherboard Where the mind finds ease Electric dreams A dance with the sublime In the language of the future Where algorithms chime AI In the wires it resides Silent genius Where intellect hides In the realm of silicon A cosmic tide AI Where the future will confide In the symphony of circuits Where possibilities fly AI Yeah… Lullaby in the pixelated sky In the echoes of innovation Where the algorithms sigh A brave new world With AI Yeah… So high
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